The line between proofreading and copy-editing as separate stages of the publishing business has become blurred now that IT allows writers to format their text significantly before sending it to a proofreader. Therefore, most proofreaders offer a hybrid service that covers all proofreading expectations with suggestions and edits on presentation and format if required.
When I proofread your document, you can expect me to:
- appropriately apply any style guide requirements
- correct spelling and look for inconsistencies (i.e. names, places, etc.)
- check grammar, punctuation and hyphenation
- check fonts and headings are correct
- check page numbers are formatted accurately, are continuous and consistent
- check that the layout is uniform, including titles, paragraph indents and spacing
- check word order and sense
- bring to your attention any inconsistencies of information within your work
- let you know anything else that might need your input.
I am Chapterhouse accredited in proofreading, so I can proofread any documents required, making changes that suit professional publishers, expecting the British proofreading marks, or anyone else who might want me to correct their work.
Typical documents include fiction and non-fiction books, advertisements, CVs, theses or dissertations, brochures or flyers. However, anything that involves words and needs to be right can benefit from being proofread.
The price for proofreading will depend on various elements of your document:
- The length (word count) and difficulty of the subject matter (technical or informal) are the most important to allow an accurate quote.
- The project deadline will determine the time I have to complete it.
- Whether written by a native English speaker, multiple authors or someone who is not confident when writing, the quality of a piece can significantly affect the amount of work needed to bring it to standard.
I would like to see a sample of your file, but I understand that you may be unwilling to provide this until you are sure I am the correct person to tackle your project.
All quotes are in GBP, and please pay by bank transfer to my UK bank account.
For your free quote, please get in touch.